Curriculum Vitae

Current and previous work positions and activities

2022 -Privatdozent at the University of Oldenburg
2021 -Associate professor at the University of Tartu
2018 - 2020Senior researcher at the University of Tartu
2015 - 2018Researcher at the University of Tartu
2012 - 2015Post-doctoral fellow at the University of Tartu
2010 - 2012Teaching, student supervision and course development at the University of Hamburg

Education and scientific qualification

2022Habilitation at the University of Oldenburg
Habilitation thesis on "The role of symmetry in the geometric description of gravity"
2007 - 2010PhD at the University of Hamburg with grade "very good" ("sehr gut")
PhD thesis on "Geometric constructions for repulsive gravity and quantization" under supervision of Dr. Mattias Wohlfarth
2003 - 2007Diploma in physics at the University of Hamburg with grade "very good" ("sehr gut", 1.3)
Diploma thesis on "Quantum aspects of spinning strings on AdS3 × S3 × T4 with RR-flux" under supervision of Prof. Jan Louis and Dr. Sakura Schäfer-Nameki
2001 - 2003Pre-Diploma in physics at the University of Hamburg with "distinction" ("ausgezeichnet", 1.1)
1999 - 2001Ratsgymnasium Wolfsburg, Abitur with grade "very good" ("sehr gut", 1.2)
1996 - 1999Gymnasium im Eichholz Vorsfelde
1994 - 1996Orientierungsstufe Rühen
1990 - 1994Grundschule Rühen

Teaching experience

2024 - 2025Seminar on "Scientific Method"
2023 - 2025Lecture on "Cosmology"
2022Lecture on "Quantum mechanics"
2020 - 2022Lecture on "Perturbative methods in gravity theory"
2018 - 2022Occasional lectures on "Data processing and scientific computing"
2015 - 2023Lecture on "Nonlinear Dynamics"
2015 - 2024Lecture on "Differential Geometry for Physicists"
2016Seminar on "Selected Chapters in the Theories of Gravity"
2014Lecture on "Selected Chapters in the Theories of Gravity"
2012Exercise class on "Quantum theory"
2012Exercise class and tutorial on "Physics II"
2011 / 2012Development of a practical course on GPU computing
2011 / 2012Supervision of student projects on "Computational Physics"
2011 / 2012Exercise classes on "Physics I" and "Theoretical Physics I"
2011Occasional lectures on "Physics I" and "General Relativity"
2011Assistance for the lecture "Introduction to Theoretical Physics I"
2011Exercise class on "Physics I"
2006 / 2007Exercise class on "Supersymmetry and Supergravity"
2006 / 2007Exercise class on "Theoretical Mechanics"
2005 - 2012Practical courses on electronics and data acquisition using LabVIEW
2002 - 2005Development of an online information system for physics students


Student(s) Title Project type Institution Start date End date
Kay Bestmann, Raphael Richter Hartree-Fock Näherung des Wassermoleküls seminar project Universität Hamburg 2011-10-18 2012-02-03
Kevin Croker Weak-lensing Constraint of Modified Gravity through Simulation visiting PhD University of Hawaii / Tartu Ülikool 2015-09-01 2016-05-31
Olger Männik N-keha simulaatori programmeerimine high school project Nõo Reaalgümnaasium / Tartu Ülikool 2016-01-26 2016-05-26
Ulbossyn Ualikhanova Gravity theories based on torsion: theoretical and observational constraints PhD Tartu Ülikool 2016-09-01 2021-08-18
Daniel Blixt Hamiltonian analysis of covariant teleparallel theories of gravity PhD Tartu Ülikool 2017-09-01 2021-08-17
Dagmar Läänemets Massless point particle motion from κ-Poincarè modified dispersion relation in spherical symmetry Bachelor Tartu Ülikool 2018-10-01 2020-08-28
Konstantinos Pallikaris Cartan geometric approach to gravity theories and quantization PhD Tartu Ülikool / National Technical University of Athens 2018-12-01 2022-11-31
Elena Emtsova Post-Newtonian limit of a conformally invariant class of scalar-torsion theories of gravity visiting PhD M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University / Tartu Ülikool 2019-01-26 2019-03-14
Kai Flathmann Post-Newtonian limit of covariantly formulated scalar-torsion gravity visiting PhD University of Oldenburg / Tartu Ülikool 2019-03-30 2019-06-01
Anna Aader The Computation of Tensors in General Relativity Using the Python Package SymPy Bachelor Tartu Ülikool 2019-09-02 2020-06-19
Teodor Borislavov Vasilev Cosmological dynamical systems approach and singularities in modified teleparallel gravity theories visiting PhD Universidad Complutense de Madrid / Tartu Ülikool 2020-02-01 2020-04-30
Helen Asuküla Quasinormal modes of Schwarzschild black holes in 1-parameter New General Relativity Master Tartu Ülikool 2020-02-13 2021-06-21
Natali Atamanova Modifitseeritud teleparalleelse gravitatsiooniteooria uurimine dünaamiliste süsteemide meetodil Bachelor Tartu Ülikool 2020-09-01 2021-08-23
Joosep Tamm Massiivse keha ja valguse trajektoor musta augu orbiidis high school project Hugo Treffneri Gümnaasium / Tartu Ülikool 2020-09-24 2022-01-19
Vasiliki Karanasou Exotic compact objects in teleparallel gravity theories PhD Tartu Ülikool 2022-09-01 2026-08-31
Kärt Soieva Gravitational waves in general teleparallel gravity Master Tartu Ülikool 2023-XX-XX 2024-XX-XX
Kerli Rauba Aine liikumine musta augu ümbruses high school project Otepää Gümnaasium / Tartu Ülikool 2023-09-23 202X-XX-XX
Paul Martin Kull Black holes in teleparallel gravity Master Tartu Ülikool 2024-XX-XX 2025-XX-XX


Code Title Funding agency Grant type Role Start date End date
GRK 602 Future Developments in Particle Physics Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Research Training Group PhD student 2007-03-01 2009-03-31
WO 1447/1-1 The geometric basis of generalized theories of gravity and geometrical methods in string cosmology Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Emmy Noether Programme PhD student 2009-04-01 2010-09-31
ERMOS 115 Geometric extensions of general relativity - foundations and phenomenology Estonian Research Council Post-doctoral grant Post-doctoral fellow 2012-09-01 2015-08-31
PUT 790 Geometric foundations of gravity and their comparison to observations Estonian Research Council Startup research grant Principal investigator 2015-09-01 2018-12-31
TK 133 The Dark Side of the Universe Archimedes Centre of excellence Research group leader 2016-03-01 2023-08-31
CA15117 Cosmology and Astrophysics Network for Theoretical Advances and Training Actions European Cooperation in Science and Technology Networking Action Management Committee Member 2016-04-08 2020-04-07
MOBJD423 Energy conditions and singularities in the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity Estonian Research Council Post-doctoral grant Supervisor 2019-01-01 2020-12-31
PRG356 Gauge gravity: unification, extensions and phenomenology Estonian Research Council Team grant Senior research staff 2019-01-01 2023-12-31
CA18108 Quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach European Cooperation in Science and Technology Networking Action Management Committee Member 2019-03-14 2023-03-13
PSG489 Momentum dependent spacetime geometries: Traces of quantum gravity and fields in media Estonian Research Council Startup research grant Research staff 2020-01-01 2020-12-31
MOBJD622 Hamiltonian formalism and dynamics of symmetric teleparallel gravities Estonian Research Council Post-doctoral grant Supervisor 2021-07-01 2023-06-30
MOBJD1035 Metric-affine gravity: viability, cosmological implications and symmetry breaking Estonian Research Council Post-doctoral grant Supervisor 2021-11-01 2023-10-31
CA21136 Addressing observational tensions in cosmology with systematics and fundamental physics European Cooperation in Science and Technology Networking Action Management Committee Member 2022-10-21 2026-10-20
AP14972654 Parameterized cosmological analysis of perturbations in teleparallel gravity Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Post-doctoral grant Supervisor 2023-01-01 2024-12-31
CA22145 Computational Techniques for Tabletop Games Heritage European Cooperation in Science and Technology Networking Action Management Committee Member 2023-10-24 2027-10-23
TK 202 Fundamental Universe Estonian Research Council Centre of excellence Senior research staff 2024-01-01 2030-12-31
CA22113 Fundamental challenges in theoretical physics European Cooperation in Science and Technology Networking Action Management Committee Member 2024-08-23 2027-10-09
CA23130 Bridging high and low energies in search of quantum gravity European Cooperation in Science and Technology Networking Action Management Committee Member 2024-09-18 2028-09-17


Other activities and skills