How to connect
Here you can find some details how to connect using our BBB system (link sent to registered users) and how to use it.
Join with audio
In order to connect with an active microphone, choose "Microphone" option on the entrance screen. If you choose the other option (Listen only), you will be able to only listen and if you would like to join the conversation, you will have to rejoin the room using the Microphone option. When you enter the room, your microphone will initially be muted. Click the microphone symbol to unmute.
Upload presentation
In order to present your work, a moderator has to make you a presenter. Afterwards, there are two options. You can either upload your presentation to BBB or you can share your screen and open your presentation on your computer (this option might have some issues on certain browsers). All users can minimize the presentation window.
To upload the presentation, follow the steps: