Geometric Foundations of Gravity 2025


Scientific program

The scientific program will consist of longer invited talks and shorter contributed talks, as well as discussions. The workshop will start in the morning of Monday 30 June, while Friday 4 July till late afternoon is planned for hands on tutorial workshops on using computer algebra in gravity theory calculations, focussing on free specialized software packages Cadabra and SymPy (tensor). The final schedule will be announced in early June. All scientific sessions will take place at the University of Tartu Institute of Physics building (Physicum), W. Ostwaldi 1, Tartu. Online links for hybrid attendance will be shared with the conference participants only.

Public Lecture

A public lecture will be given on Tuesday 1 July evening at 18:15 at the historic Tartu Old Observatory. The speaker and title will be announced along with the scientific program. The talk is open for public and entrance is free. Before the talk, interested participants can take a tour in the observatory museum. To speed up the process of buying the museum tickets, ticket money 4 euros per person will be collected beforehand in cash.

Social Program

The social program includes the welcoming reception, a sightseeing trip outside of Tartu, and the conference dinner. The details of the social program will be announced in April.