Other activities and interests

This image is a coarse map of some of my interests which occupy most of my mind:

Interests phys Physics grav Gravity theory phys->grav quan Quantum theory phys->quan part Particle physics phys->part math Mathematics difg Differential geometry math->difg alge Abstract algebra math->alge grre Groups and representations math->grre nldc Non-linear dynamics and chaos math->nldc knot Knots math->knot grap Graphs math->grap tens Tensor algebra math->tens arts Art arts->knot bgam Board games arts->bgam mtra Model trains arts->mtra prog Programming prog->nldc prog->grap prog->tens arti Artificial intelligence prog->arti osdv Operating systems prog->osdv haut Home automation prog->haut micr Microcontrollers prog->micr prog->bgam navi Navigation and maps prog->navi qcom Quantum computing prog->qcom cgra Computer graphics cgra->difg cgra->nldc cgra->knot cgra->bgam cgra->navi elec Electronics elec->haut elec->micr elec->mtra grav->quan quan->part quan->qcom part->grav difg->grav difg->part difg->nldc difg->tens alge->grre alge->knot alge->grap grre->grav grre->quan grre->part arti->qcom osdv->micr haut->micr bgam->alge bgam->grap bgam->arti navi->grap navi->arti mtra->micr